
Perfect Wedding Guide Bridal Show

Today's show was awesome! I can't believe the great turnout we had. though I shouldn't be surprised because the venue, the Frist Center, was amazing!

We did a drwaing today for a free "day of" wedding coordination package, which was a hit. The winner was the lucky Miss Krista Batts of Brentwood! I called her after the show to tell her she had won, and she was really excited! Her wedding is on September 20th. We talked for a few minutes about what she has planned so far, and once I heard that her colors were burnt orange and chocolate brown, I was sold!

We also set up the infamous "coffee bar" and added pink lemonade and green tea for fun. It was a hit as there were lots of caterers giving out food, but no drinks to be had! (Ok, except for at the Ashley's Bride Guide booth, but since we are such great friends, I was glad to share the beverage wealth with her!) I used my current fave color scheme, apple green and chocolate brown, for the table. Southern Events was in charge of the rental items for the show, so I made a couple of special phone calls, and voila! Gorgeous linens appeared on my table!

Colors are typically hard to convey well through the wonderful Internet and digital cameras, so the above picture is about as close to the real color as any other pictures I took today!

As always, my favorite part of the day was talking to some great ladies who were at various stages of the planning process. I met quite a few who had gotten engaged just this past week and were so cute and excited! What a great time!

Thanks go out the the Perfect Wedding Guide and especially Krinda Hie for putting on a great show!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome job! your booth rocked!! youre so creative. your brides are lucky.